00:14 Some of these stones got a lot of niggers in 'em 00:11 If you ever come back again 00:06 Ol' Don's as useless as tits on a boar 00:15 I'm sending this kid to Bolivia in a fucking box 00:53 And that's just what these hustlers look for 00:12 They never know what hit them 00:11 On top of everything else 00:20 I thought you was layin' it 00:07 You motherfucker you 00:48 You know I got other people in this 00:55 I told you this was fucking dangerous 00:51 So naturally 00:25 Can you feel me in you 00:06 Greedy bitch 00:17 How many kids do you have 00:07 Ya chickenshit cocksucker 00:11 That's a lot of money to be counting out in public 00:05 Give yourself a hand 00:09 I want you to exit this guy off the premises 00:10 I didn't like the people I was ripping off looking at.